Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Welcome ..... To your death

Welcme to The Necronomicon, my evil spirits. I created this blog to exprss my feelings about necromancy, or the art of death magic. I play Wizad101, a online magic game as a level 21 Necromancer named Brian DeathStaff. I will post about both my personal life and my gaming life, including wizar101. If you do not know what Necronomicon, wait for my next post. Again, welcome one and all, boys and ghoul, to your death.


  1. Hello,
    There are many Great Necromancer blogs like "The Friendly Necromancer" As I've seen its the most popular school. I am The Protective Pyromancer lvl 37. I will check your blog each time you post. Welcome...

  2. Cool, another blogger! My names Brian TitanSword. I have my own blog, it's called the Necromancer Story. Hope you follow, and good luck on your blog!

    Good Luck


  3. Hey, Welcome to the club! Happy to have another great necromancer blogger in the spiral

    - the stormed youth (Dustin Griffinflame)

  4. I, to am a necromancer, my name is Alex Deathshade. and my blog is A Day In The Life of a Wizard
